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used vibration welder for sale
46″ x 21″ lift table with 12″ x 32″ opening
40″ x 18″ vibration unit
25″ vertical clearance
45# upper tool weight (recommended), 80# maximum
20″ table stroke (hydraulic – pump under table)
17 hp digital vibration drive (frequency inverter), Branson Ultraschall
10 hp springs
.040″ -.070″ amplitude
180-240 Hz frequency range
Allen Bradley SLC5/04 PLC
Xycom 9487 color touch screen interface
front safety gate with light curtains
weld by distance
5 second dry cycle time
Opto Touch finger actuators
480/3/60 electrics, 6000# weight
new 1999

Branson VW-6UHL linear vibration welder, 1999 (sold) Branson VW-6UHL linear vibration welder, 1999 (sold)
Branson VW-6UHL linear vibration welder, 1999 (sold) Branson VW-6UHL linear vibration welder, 1999 (sold)