This machine is no longer in stock. Let us know your requirements or if you have surplus.

used spin welder for sale
4.2 hp servo drive
orientation to 0.1 degree
3000 rpm spindle speed (maximum)
21.3″ vertical clearance
8″ throat
6″ actuator stroke
pneumatic downfeed
weld by time, rotations or distance
rigid square column
mechanical stops
color touch screen interface
stores 8 part setups
finger actuators & e-stop
91,890 cycles
new 2013

Dukane SVT032R orienting spin welder, s/n – US254334 Dukane SVT032R orienting spin welder, s/n – US254334
Dukane SVT032R orienting spin welder, s/n – US254334 Dukane SVT032R orienting spin welder, s/n – US254334