This machine is no longer in stock. Let us know your requirements or if you have surplus.
used 4-axis filament winder for sale
quickly winds cylindrical parts, like cng gas tanks
30″ x 78″ part capacity (750 x 2000 mm)
108″ between chucks
prepreg creel: McCoy #24, 72 position, air brakes
towpreg creel: Entec ST1 servo tensioner, 2 position
winds towpreg at up to 100 – 135 inches per second
EnTec 4-axis control
WiMaX3 winding software
Windows 7 Professional, wireless keyboard
joystick controls for manual operation
CAMX 2014 – demonstrated fast towpreg winding
480/3/60, 60 full load amps
s/n – ECM02985
new 8/29/2014